International Law in Aotearoa New Zealand book

International Law in Aotearoa New Zealand book


$253.00 RRP

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Date: 07/12/2021

Code: 9781990018176



Available Formats

Format Title Date Code Price
Book International Law in Aotearoa New Zealand book 07/12/2021 9781990018176 $253.00 Add to cart
eBook - ProView International Law in Aotearoa New Zealand eBook 30/11/2021 9781990018183 $266.00 Add to cart
Book+eBook International Law in Aotearoa New Zealand Book + eBook 30/11/2021 42833594 $347.00 Add to cart


International Law in Aotearoa New Zealand explores how international law shapes New Zealand and works with and within its legal system, as well as on New Zealand’s interaction with, contribution to, and attitude towards international law.

The broad reach and impact of international law is explored through three parts of the book, starting with the foundations of international law in Part One, which examines the actors and sources of international law from a New Zealand perspective.  Part Two collates the key areas of interest to New Zealand, such as nuclear weapons, indigenous peoples’ rights, law of the sea and international trade law to name a few.  Part Three is a unique glimpse into the humans of international law - the judges, the lawyer-diplomats at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the New Zealanders in leading international organisations, indigenous peoples’ organisations and civil society, and academics.   

The book will provide practitioners, academics and students with an important resource to understand how international law operates in New Zealand and how New Zealand understands and influences international law.

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