Introduction to Property and Commercial Law Second Edition

Introduction to Property and Commercial Law Second Edition

By Sheelagh McCracken, Scott Grattan


$189.00 RRP

Date: 10/12/2016

Code: 9780455239217

Lawbook Co., AUSTRALIA

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Book Introduction to Property and Commercial Law Second Edition 10/12/2016 9780455239217 $189.00 Add to cart


A custom publication for students studying Introduction to Property and Commercial Law at the University of Sydney. Compiled by Dr Scott Grattan and Dr Sheelagh McCracken, this text draws upon material from the Thomson Reuters range.

This text is also available to other institutions.

An ebook version of this text is available from VitalSource Australia. Please click on the following link to purchase the ebook:

Table of Contents

Part 1: (A) The Concept and Function of “Property” and (B) Real Property – Introduction to Real Property

1 Introduction to General Property Concepts

2 Tenures, Estates and Native Title

3 Legal and Equitable Interests in Land

4 Old System Title Registration

5 Torrens Title Land

6 General Law and Torrens Title Mortgages

7 Definition of Land – Fixtures

Part 2: Personal Property – Introduction to Choses in Possession

8 Taxonomy of Personal Property

9 Identifying Legal Interests in Choses in Possession: Ownership and Possession

10 Engaging in Dealings in Choses in Possession: Transfer of Ownership

11 Engaging in Dealings in Choses in Possession: Transfer of Possession by Bailment

Part 3: Personal Property – Introduction to Choses in Action

12 The Concept of a Chose in Action

13 Exploring Equitable Choses in Action

Part 4: Assignment and Disposition of Interests

14 Legal Assignments of Choses in Action

15 Equitable Assignments Generally

16 Equitable Assignments of Legal Interests

17 Assignment of Equitable Interests

18 “Assignment” of Future Property

Part 5: (A) Priority Regimes and (B) Commercial Dealings as Security Interests Over Property

19 Priorities Under the Sale of Goods Act

20 General Law Priority Rules: Contests Between Legal and Equitable Interests

21 General Law Priority Rules: Contests in Equity

22 Traditional Forms of Security

23 Security within the scope of the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (Cth) (PPSA)

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