LawBrief: International Law 1st edition

LawBrief: International Law 1st edition


$91.00 RRP

Date: 26/06/2019

Code: 9780455242095

Lawbook Co., AUSTRALIA

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Book LawBrief: International Law 1st edition 26/06/2019 9780455242095 $91.00 Add to cart
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Thomson Reuters LawBriefs are an ideal companion to your studies in law. They include compact summaries of the law and unique diagrammatic explanations or mind maps in each chapter, which help you to understand complex legal concepts and how they relate to one another.

Thomson Reuters LawBriefs present each subject area in a student friendly way to help you get the most out of your time studying. Each book in the series provides a succinct but substantive overview of the law, enabling you to study smarter, not longer.

Table of Contents

Part I: The Fundamentals of International Law
1. Genesis and Theory
2. International Lawmaking
3. Treaty Law
4. The Interaction between International and Municipal Law
5. Private International Law

Part II: The International Community
6. International Legal Actors
7. Territory
8. Recognition
9. Jurisdiction
10. Jurisdictional Immunities
11. State Succession
12. International Organisations
13. The United Nations

Part III: Specialised Legal Topics
14. The Law of the Sea
15. International Environmental Law
16. Human Rights
17. International Family Law
18. International Humanitarian Law
19. International Criminal Law
20. The Use of Force
21. International Economic Law

Part IV: Enforcing International Law
22. State Responsibility
23. The Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes
24. The International Court of Justice
25. International Commercial Arbitration

Part V: Conclusion
26. Future Directions
27. Revision Questions

Key International Law Terms

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