The International Legal System First Edition

The International Legal System First Edition

By Ottavio Quirico


$163.00 RRP

Date: 26/03/2020

Code: 9780455240473

Lawbook Co., AUSTRALIA

Available Formats

Format Title Date Code Price
Book The International Legal System First Edition 26/03/2020 9780455240473 $163.00 Add to cart
Book+eBook The International Legal System Book + eBook 20/03/2020 42553973 $213.00 Add to cart
eBook - ProView The International Legal System eBook 20/03/2020 9780455240480 $163.00 Add to cart


The International Legal System explains clearly, critically and systemically the rules that govern the relations between the subjects of international law and their conduct, including States, governmental and non-governmental organisations, corporations and individuals. The first section of the book illustrates the general principles of international law, notably: (1) international legal personality; (2) sources and ensuing rights and duties; (3) responsibility, dispute settlement and enforcement. On this basis, the second section explains international legal obligations by subject-areas, specifically: (4) the division of space; (5) peaceful relations, the use of force and war; (6) international economic law, spanning from investment to commercial contracts; (7) international environmental law; (8) individual and collective fundamental rights; (9) transnational and supranational criminal law.

Consistent with the mandate of the UN International Law Commission, the book covers ‘public’ and ‘private’ international law, that is, ‘global’ law. Whilst public international law is predominant, essential private international law concepts are included, notably in the context of international economic law, for instance, the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. By integrating a universal and regional perspective, international organisations are presented in light of their functions in the different areas of international law.

Each chapter includes a lucid analysis of relevant international rules and domestic implications, as interpreted in the case law of international and national jurisdictions. Simple flowcharts clarify fundamental international law mechanisms. Key summaries and questions facilitate a critical comprehension of international law as a legal system.

The book is a unique resource for students, researchers, academics, diplomats, policymakers, practitioners and anyone interested in international law and politics. It is an invaluable instrument as a textbook in courses on international law and international relations, as well as in specialised units on the different areas of international law, such as international economic law and human rights. It is also an essential tool for research in international and comparative law and politics.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Legal personality and foundations of the international legal system

Chapter 2: Sources, rights and duties: general and particular international law

Chapter 3: Responsibility and dispute settlement

Chapter 4: Division of space

Chapter 5: Peace, force and war

Chapter 6: International economic law

Chapter 7: International environmental law

Chapter 8: Fundamental rights

Chapter 9: International criminal law

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