Manns Annotated Insurance Law eSub
eSub - ProView Price: N/A |
Date: 01/04/2014 Code: 41638993 Thomson Reuters, AUSTRALIA |
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eSub - ProView | Manns Annotated Insurance Law eSub | 01/04/2014 | 41638993 | N/A |
The complex general insurance legislation is illuminated by close analysis of the significant cases which have considered it. The service integrates the legislation into a broader practice context, and supports easier reference to relevant materials including the regulations, ALRC Report 20 “Insurance Contracts”, and case law.
The authors focus on the substantive decisions, with their commentary geared towards helping illuminate the reasoning in the decisions.
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Table of Contents
Insurance Contracts Act (annotated)
Insurance Contracts Regulations
General Insurance Code of Practice – 1 May 2010
General Insurance Brokers’ Code of Practice
Insurance Act 1973
Marine Insurance Act 1909
Terrorism Insurance Act 2003
Terrorism Insurance Regulations 2003
Accounting Standards – AASB 4: Insurance Contracts
Review of the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth) - review into the operation of section 54
Review of the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth) - Final report on second stage: provisions other than section 54
Review of the Law Reform Commission Report No 91 - Review of the Marine Insurance Act 1909
Insurance Contracts Bill 1984, Explanatory Memorandum
Australian Law Reform Commission Report No 20 - Insurance Contracts