Wickens The Law of Life Insurance in Australia
Looseleaf Price: N/A |
Date: 08/08/2012 Code: 30136703 Lawbook Co., AUSTRALIA |
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Format | Title | Date | Code | Price | |
Looseleaf | Wickens The Law of Life Insurance in Australia | 08/08/2012 | 30136703 | N/A |
eSub - ProView | Wicken's Law of Life Insurance in Australia eSubscription | 01/07/2014 | 41639001 | N/A |
Wickens: The Law of Life Insurance in Australia
Lisa Norris, Rehana Box and Anthony Asher
This regularly updated service provides a thorough examination of life insurance law and the administration of life insurance policies. Divided into specific topics relating to life insurance, the text reproduces the relevant legislation and regulations and analyses policy drafting, interpretation and administration issues.
The product has undergone an extensive restructure with a focus on value added material. All commentary chapters have been reviewed and revised in this fast changing area of law. Recently added commentary covers changes in life insurance law such as the Stronger Super reforms and the Australian Privacy Principles Guidelines, the major restructuring of the Prudential Standards, the new Life Insurance framework, Professional Standards for Financial Advisors and discussion of APRA releases.
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