Mining and Petroleum Legislation (Qld): Paper

Mining and Petroleum Legislation (Qld): Paper


Price: POA

Date: 13/09/2012

Code: 30113975

Lawbook Co., AUSTRALIA

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Mining and Petroleum Legislation (Qld): Paper

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Available Formats

Format Title Date Code Price
Looseleaf Mining and Petroleum Legislation (All Jurisdictions): Paper 13/09/2012 30134363 POA
Looseleaf Mining and Petroleum Legislation (Cth): Paper 18/09/2012 30118134 POA
Looseleaf Mining and Petroleum Legislation (NSW/ACT): Paper 13/09/2012 30137954 POA
Looseleaf Mining and Petroleum Legislation (Qld): Paper 13/09/2012 30113975 POA
Looseleaf Mining and Petroleum Legislation (WA): Paper 13/09/2012 30124755 POA
Looseleaf Mining and Petroleum Legislation (WA Mining Only): Paper 13/09/2012 30115027 POA


The Mining and Petroleum Legislation Service is a unique resource that brings together legislation and regulations relating to all forms of mining, mineral exploration, onshore and offshore petroleum and pipelines in Australia.

The service contains over 170 pieces of legislation covering the Commonwealth and each State and Territory jurisdiction. The legislation consists of the key Acts and Regulations on the following topics: Coal Mining, Mining & Fossicking, Mineral Resources, Geothermal Energy, Native Title, Offshore Petroleum, Offshore Minerals, Onshore Petroleum, Pipelines and Uranium.

The service is available online and in print as a complete 18-volume mining and petroleum law library covering Commonwealth and State legislation. Alternatively, subscribers can choose to subscribe to particular jurisdictions in which they work.

Subscribers to the print service also receive the Australian Resources Law Reports series, the only specialist report series in Australia dealing with mining, energy and resources law. Carefully selected judgments are accompanied by catchwords and authored headnotes that summarise the decision and highlight the key issues.

* Price is for an annual subscription and includes all updates issued during this period.

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