Modern GATT Law 2nd Edition

Modern GATT Law 2nd Edition


$1,028.01 RRP

Date: 24/05/2013

Code: 9781847037763

Sweet & Maxwell, UNITED KINGDOM


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Book Modern GATT Law 2nd Edition 24/05/2013 9781847037763 $1,028.01 Add to cart


Want to know where you can find a comprehensive coverage of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and related World Trade Organisation (WTO) agreements?

Modern GATT Law explains clearly and thoroughly the rules of GATT and connected provisions in other WTO treaties, whilst also examining the case law interpreting and applying these rules.

Now a two-volume work, Modern GATT Law features all the content you need.

Covering both substantive law and the practice and procedure of the Crown Court, each indictable offence is covered in depth in its own separate chapter. This is to provide you with the kind of enhanced understanding of the law relevant to your current cases that brings utmost confidence and credibility in court.

For each GATT Article and connected WTO provision, the treatise:

  • Examines the relevant business issues
  • Explains the meaning of the Article and provision
  • Analyses all interpretive and adjudicatory decisions that bear upon them
  • Reviews and critiques alternative theoretical underpinnings

The treatise spotlights the many issues associated with major emerging countries, particularly China, India, and Brazil, in the GATT-WTO system, and the increasing role of developing and least developed countries in this system.

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