NCAT Practice and Procedure 2nd Edition

NCAT Practice and Procedure 2nd Edition

By Juliet LUCY, Mark Robinson SC


$232.00 RRP

Date: 29/07/2020

Code: 9780455501567

Lawbook Co., AUSTRALIA


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Format Title Date Code Price
Book NCAT Practice and Procedure 2nd Edition 29/07/2020 9780455501567 $232.00 Add to cart
eBook - ProView NCAT Practice and Procedure 2e eBook 10/06/2020 9780455501574 $232.00 Add to cart
eBook - ProView NCAT Practice and Procedure 2nd edition Book+eBook 25/06/2020 42705862 $300.00 Add to cart


This second edition of NCAT – Practice and Procedure authored by barristers, Mark Robinson SC and Dr Juliet Lucy is a unique guide for those practising in the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT). NCAT commenced operation on 1 January 2014 and comprises four divisions: Administrative and Equal Opportunity, Consumer and Commercial, Occupational and Guardianship.

Designed for both lawyers and non-lawyers, this book provides the key legislation governing practice in the Tribunal and commentary on that legislation: Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 2013, the Administrative Decisions Review Act 1997 and rules and regulations made under those Acts. The authors have updated the annotations to reflect the case law developments and legislative amendments since the last edition.

The legislation has been fully consolidated, capturing the latest amendments up to 25 March 2020.

The authors, Mark Robinson SC and Dr Juliet Lucy, with their expertise in all aspects of the conduct of the Tribunal, provide practical guidance about conducting proceedings in each of the Divisions.  The commentary covers the day to day operation of each Division, addressing matters such as making an application to the Tribunal, the Tribunal’s jurisdiction, lodgement of documents, seeking a stay, representation in the Tribunal, costs, appeals and an examination of representative cases.

 NCAT – Practice and Procedure is an essential reference for both lawyers and self-represented litigants appearing in NCAT.


NCAT – Practice and Procedure contains:

  • Overview/history of NCAT
  • Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 2013 (annotated);
  • Civil and Administrative Tribunal Regulation 2013;
  • Civil and Administrative Tribunal Rules 2014;
  • Administrative Decisions Review Act 1997 (annotated);
  • Administrative Decisions Review Regulation 2019;
  • The Divisions
    1. Administrative and Equal Opportunity Division (Sch 3)
    2. Consumer and Commercial Division (Sch 4)
    3. Occupational Division (Sch 5)
    4. Guardianship Division (Sch 6)



“Practice in any of the four Divisions, and in the internal appeal panel jurisdiction, will be assisted by access to the information provided in this new edition.  The authors have again, as they did in the first edition, sought to cut through much of the complexity and to present the Tribunal’s powers, duties and procedures in a straightforward and accessible way.


“The authors of this book are well qualified to write on the practice and procedure of the Tribunal.  Both are legal practitioners who have appeared before the Tribunal, and its predecessors.”


From the Foreword by The Honourable Justice Lea Armstrong, President of the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal




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