O'Hare and Browne Civil Litigation 20th Edition
Book $302.01 RRP |
Dispatched from overseas. Estimated delivery 3-6 weeks. Date: 23/08/2021 Code: 9780414089433 Sweet & Maxwell, UNITED KINGDOM |
![]() O'Hare and Browne Civil Litigation 20th Edition
Price: $302.01
Dispatched from overseas. Estimated delivery 3-6 weeks.
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Book | O'Hare and Browne Civil Litigation 20th Edition | 23/08/2021 | 9780414089433 | $302.01 |
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![]() O'Hare and Browne Civil Litigation 20th Edition
Price: $302.01
Dispatched from overseas. Estimated delivery 3-6 weeks.
This book explains how the Civil Procedure Rules work in practice. The book covers the entire spectrum of civil litigation providing a step-by-step guide through all stages of a civil action.
- Provides a practical, comprehensive and detailed guide covering all areas of civil litigation in the High Court and County Court
- Guides you through the procedure involved in any civil matter
- Covers all stages of litigation in a logical sequence from pre-action to enforcement and appeals
- Expert authors provide tactical and strategic advice, examples, tips and solutions
- Cross-refers to the Civil Procedure Rules and the White Book
What’s new for the 20th edition:
New sections and fuller coverage of: online case management systems including CE-filing and MCOL; procedure under the RTA and EL/PL Protocols, including the new protocol for small RTA cases which is in force from 31 May 2021; use of remote hearings; post-Brexit amendments; amendments to the CPR; the disclosure pilot scheme; and ADR.
In more detail:
- A revised Chapter 9 on proceedings under Parts 7 and 8 which gives fuller coverage of the multiple case management systems now in use in the High Court, County Court and the Business & Property Courts
- A new Chapter 10 on procedure under the RTA and EL/PL Protocols, including the new protocol for small RTA cases which is in force from 31 May 2021.
- Chapter 13 on interim applications includes updated coverage on current practice as to remote hearings (i.e. conducted by telephone or video)
- Chapter 41 on enforcement of non-money judgments includes revised commentary on the new rules relating to the enforcement of orders for possession and contempt proceedings
- Other new developments include: developments in expert evidence; the disclosure pilot scheme; security for costs and a cross-undertaking in damages; the widening influence of alternative dispute resolution; changes in Insolvency law including the Debt Respite Scheme, which came into force on 4 May 2021
- Plus a wealth of new case law
Table of Contents
- Civil Litigation in Outline
- Funding Civil Litigation
- Interest
- Personal Injury Cases
- Limitation of Actions
- The Preliminary Stages of Litigation
- Parties to Actions
- Service of Documents
- From Issue to Allocation
- Part 8 Claims Cases with a foreign element
- Drafting Statements of Case
- Interim Applications
- Drafting Applications, Skeleton Arguments, Witness Statements and Affidavits
- Default judgment
- Admissions and Requests for Time to Pay
- Disposal Hearings
- Part 20 Claims
- Summary Judgment
- The Small Claims Track (Part 27)
- The Fast Track (Part 28) The Multi-Track (Part 29)
- Experts
- Cases not governed by standard track allocation Interim
- Payments
- Security for Costs
- Interim Injunctions (Part 25)
- Change of Solicitors
- Part 36
- Offers
- Disclosure and Inspection
- Evidence
- Judicial Case Management: General Provisions
- Judicial Case Management: Special Cases
- Termination of an action by consent
- Discontinuance
- Preparations for trial
- Trial
- Costs Payable by One Party to Another
- Costs: Special Cases
- Enforcement of Money Judgements
- Enforcement of Other Judgments
- Insolvency
- Applications to set aside or vary orders
- Appeals up to the Court of Appeal
- Appeals to the Supreme Court