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Indictable Offences Queensland
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Indictable Offences Queensland
The essential guide to the law governing serious crime in Queensland
Butler and Holt's Indictable Offences Queensland is your essential guide to criminal law in the District and Supreme Courts of Queensland. As well as providing you with a unique navigation guide to criminal procedure in Queensland, Indictable Offences Queensland also provides concise, consistently structured annotations to the Criminal Code (Qld) and other key legislation.
Enquire nowWhy Indictable Offences Queensland?

Thematic overview
Easily navigate your way through complex criminal provisions with a unique theme-based index, and clear and consistent annotation headings.

Focus on current law
Access up-to-date, concise annotations to the Criminal Code and other essential legislation.

Save space and time with our portable two-volume work (one go-to-court volume) with only essential material included.

Broaden your research options using cross-references to related products in the Queensland criminal law suite.
Table of Contents
Thematic Overview
The Code
Criminal Code Act 1899
Criminal Code (Annotated)
Criminal Practice Rules 1999
Drugs Misuse Act 1986 (Annotated)
Drugs Misuse Regulation 1987
Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Act 1978
Justices Act 1886 (Extracts) (Annotated)
Jury Act 1995 (Annotated)
Bail Act 1980 (Annotated)
Weapons Act 1990 (Extracts)
Vicious Lawless Association Disestablishment Act 2013
Penalties and Sentences Act 1992 (Annotated)
Police Powers
Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 (Extracts) (Annotated)
Mental Health
Mental Health Act 2016 (Extracts)
Children and Young People
Youth Justice Act 1992 (Extracts)
Federal Offences and Procedure
Crimes Act 1914 (Cth) (Extracts)
Dangerous Prisoners Orders
Dangerous Prisoners (Sexual Offenders) Act 2003 (Annotated)
Sample Criminal Code Chapters

Download chapter 32 of Indictables Offences Queensland – the essential guide to the law governing serious crime in Queensland. Chapter 32 deals primarily with sexual offending against adults where absence of consent is an element of the offence. Within the chapter a distinction is drawn between offences relating to sexual penetration of another without their consent (rape, attempted rape and assault with intent to rape) and other serious sexual assaults.

Download Chapter 33 of Indictables Offences Queensland– the essential guide to the law governing serious crime in Queensland. Chapter 33 deals with offences with the common feature of unlawfully depriving a person of their liberty (ss 354–355) or of failing in duties by the keepers of those lawfully deprived of their liberty (ss 356–358).
About the General Editors
District Court Judge Brendan Butler and Saul Holt QC lead an author team of experienced barristers and bring more than 50 years' experience to the service.
Convenience at Your Fingertips

Online with Westlaw AU
Use Indictable Offences Queensland online for advanced research with integrated access to FirstPoint, Summary Offences Queensland, Queensland Sentencing Manual and leading authorised and specialist reports, including the Commonwealth Law Reports and Australian Criminal Reports (subject to subscription).

ProView eSubscription
Eliminate the burden of filing and carrying looseleaf binders. Subscribe to the ProView eSub — the flexible digital looseleaf service. Download your eSub wherever you have internet access, and use and update it when you're offline and online. Key features include bookmarking and note marking, advanced search, easy navigation, document sharing and integrated access to other Queensland criminal law products.

Two-Volume Looseleaf
Volume One — This take-to-court volume contains the thematic overview, annotated Criminal Code, Criminal Practice Rules and annotated legislation relating to drugs, procedure and bail.
Volume Two — This volume contains other essential annotated legislation and commentary in key areas, including sentencing, police powers and dangerous prisoners.
The subscription will be updated five times annually, with more frequent legislation updates online.
"This is a service written by practitioners for practitioners. A team of practising criminal barristers has written fresh, up-to-date but succinct commentary to the Criminal Code and associated criminal statutes. The emphasis is on supplying the current law in a portable and accessible format."
Judge Brendan Butler AM SC