Shipping Law Fifth Edition - Book+eBook

Shipping Law Fifth Edition - Book+eBook

By Martin Davies, Anthony Dickey KC
eBook + Book bundle


$371.00* RRP

Date: 28/07/2024

Code: 43319259

Lawbook Co., AUSTRALIA

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Available Formats

Format Title Date Code Price
Book Shipping Law Fifth Edition - Book 31/07/2024 9780455503233 $285.00 Add to cart
eBook - ProView Shipping Law Fifth Edition - eBook 28/07/2024 9780455503240 $285.00 Add to cart
Book+eBook Best Value Shipping Law Fifth Edition - Book+eBook 28/07/2024 43319259 $371.00 Add to cart


"...the only textbook which covers all aspects of shipping law from the Australian point of view...for litigator(s) or transport lawyers(s) ... the first book to consult when a shipping problem arises."  Michael Gronow, barrister, on the 3rd Edition, Law Institute Journal, March 2005.

"It is encyclopaedic in its coverage and is recommended to anyone who is involved in any way with the preparation of documents with respect to ships or with disputes involving them."  Justice Peter Young, on the 3rd Edition, (2005) 79 Australian Law Journal 649.

Shipping Law is the landmark work in its field and provides comprehensive coverage of all aspects of maritime law from a uniquely Australian perspective. Commonly-occurring maritime law issues such as ship financing, insurance and liability are dealt with in useful detail alongside more occasional matters concerning pollution from ships, shipwrecks and the salvage of vessels.

The Fifth Edition of this well-respected text on Australian maritime law reflects captures the many developments that have occurred since the last edition published in 2016 and includes comparative reference to English...


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