If you have a manuscript ready for publishing, or you have an idea for a new print or online service, send us a Publication Proposal Form (PDF format or Word format) or contact us to talk about your ideas.

Completing this proposal form helps you to structure and present your ideas and helps us to assess them. The information you provide also helps us to position your proposal within our product range and understand the production systems and resources we would need to produce and publish your work. Clarity about the market also helps us position the proposal.

Our Author Style Guide and our Guide for Book Authors give you valuable advice and tips on preparing your manuscript.

Please send your Publication Proposal Form to npd@thomsonreuters.com. If you would prefer to explore your idea first, please contact the appropriate member of our team listed below.  We look forward to hearing from you.

Seeking publication of a journal article? Visit the Contributors to Journals page.

New Product Development team

For Universities and TAFE.
Kevin Stokes 61 2 9171 7254
61 2 8587 7100 (Fax)
For Judges, Barristers, Solicitors, Corporate Counsel, Regulators, Government Lawyers and Courts.
Kevin Stokes 61 2 9171 7254
61 2 8587 7100 (Fax)