Thomson Reuters' Guide to Mooting - eBook

Thomson Reuters' Guide to Mooting - eBook

By Anthony Cassimatis, Peter Billings

eBook - ProView

$82.01* RRP

Date: 20/09/2016

Code: 9780455237121

Lawbook Co., AUSTRALIA

Available Formats

Format Title Date Code Price
Book The Thomson Reuters' Guide to Mooting - Book 28/09/2016 9780455230825 $82.01 Add to cart
Book+eBook Thomson Reuters' Guide to Mooting - Book & eBook 18/10/2016 41881748 $106.00 Add to cart
eBook - ProView Thomson Reuters' Guide to Mooting - eBook 20/09/2016 9780455237121 $82.01 Add to cart


The Thomson Reuters’ Guide to Mooting is an expert guide to mooting and related forms of oral and written legal advocacy, designed specifically for law students and the legal academics who guide them.  Building on decades of experience and success in national and international legal advocacy competitions, the authors guide the reader through all major forms of legal advocacy that can be undertaken within a university setting:

  • advocacy before courts, tribunals and arbitral bodies;
  • advocacy and alternative dispute resolution;
  • national and international advocacy competitions. 

The authors analyse and offer practical guidance on all major types of legal advocacy, reflecting on the pedagogical foundations and immense potential of this traditional and yet dynamic form of legal education.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction to Mooting and Legal Advocacy
Chapter 2: Appellate Advocacy
Chapter 3: Merits Review, ADR and “New Advocacy”
Chapter 4: Advocacy before the Administrative Appeals Tribunal
Chapter 5: The Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot
Chapter 6: The International Maritime Law Arbitration Moot
Chapter 7: The Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot



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