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Lawbook Co. AUSTRALIAUniform Evidence Law 19th Edition provides Australia’s leading guidance on the uniform evidence law for barristers, courts, litigators and students alike.... More$190.00Uniform Evidence Law 19th Edition - BookPrice: $190.00Other formats: eBook - ProView Book+eBook
Lawbook Co. AUSTRALIASentencing in Australia is a leading text in this area of the law.... More$215.00Sentencing in Australia 11th EditionPrice: $215.00Other formats: eBook - ProView Book+eBook
Thomson Reuters AUSTRALIAFamily Law , Seventh Edition is directed to those practising at the ‘coal face’ of this area of the law , with crisp statements of the law, and plentiful case references to allow the reader... More$189.00Family Law 7th EditionPrice: $189.00Other formats: Book+eBook eBook - ProView
Keay's Insolvency: Personal & Corporate Law and Practice, 11th Edition 14/07/2022
Book 9780455501994
Thomson Reuters AUSTRALIAKeay’s Insolvency has become a recognised text on personal and corporate insolvency law and practice in Australia, and it is widely used by practitioners and regularly cited in court.... More$200.00Keay's Insolvency: Personal & Corporate Law and Practice, 11th EditionPrice: $200.00Other formats: eBook - ProView Book+eBook -
Lawbook Co. AUSTRALIACommercial Contract Clauses: Principles and Interpretation (4th Edition) is essential reading for all solicitors, barristers and legal professionals involved with contract law issues in commercial contracts.... More$299.00Commercial Contract Clauses 4th EditionPrice: $299.00Other formats: Book+eBook eBook - ProView
Lawbook Co. AUSTRALIAEvidence Law in Queensland 14th Edition provides reliable, up-to-date and comprehensive commentary on the Evidence Act 1977 (Qld), and related matters.... More$195.00Evidence Law in Queensland 14th Edition - BookPrice: $195.00Other formats: eBook - ProView Book+eBook
Lawbook Co. AUSTRALIAWills, Probate and Administration Law in New South Wales Second Edition provides annotated commentary on the two primary pieces of legislation which govern the passing of property on death in New South... More$276.00Wills, Probate and Administration Law in NSW 2e - Book.Price: $276.00Other formats: Book+eBook eBook - ProView
Lawbook Co. AUSTRALIARoss on Crime Ninth Edition is a unique, renowned and indispensable point of reference for all criminal law practitioners.... More$326.00Ross on Crime Ninth Edition - BookPrice: $326.00Other formats: Book+eBook eBook - ProView
Quantification of Delay & Disruption in Construction & Engineering Projects Second Edition - Book 16/07/2021
Book 9780455502090
Lawbook Co. AUSTRALIADelay and disruption are endemic in the construction industry and result in time and cost overruns.... More$281.00Quantification of Delay & Disruption in Construction & Engineering Projects Second Edition - BookPrice: $281.00Other formats: eBook - ProView Book+eBook -
Lawbook Co. AUSTRALIALimitation of Actions – The Laws of Australia 5th Edition is the leading text on limitation periods in Australia.... More$189.00Limitation of Actions - The Laws of Australia 5th Edition - BookPrice: $189.00Other formats: Book+eBook eBook - ProView
Lawbook Co. AUSTRALIA"Professional Liability in Australia continues to be well-organised and to combine extensive analysis of legal principle .... More$281.00Professional Liability in Australia 4e - Softcover BookPrice: $281.00Other formats: Book+eBook eBook - ProView
Lawbook Co. AUSTRALIAProsecuting Second Edition i s an essential manual for all those involved in the preparation and conduct of a criminal trial whether by jury or judge alone.... More$132.00Prosecuting Second EditionPrice: $132.00Other formats: Book+eBook eBook - ProView
Lawbook Co. AUSTRALIAAustralian Native Title Law Second Edition annotates the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) and analyses the common law principles applicable to native title.... More$299.00Australian Native Title Law 2nd Edition - BookPrice: $299.00Other formats: Book+eBook eBook - ProView
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Lawbook Co. AUSTRALIAThe Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 (Victoria) is the means by which the civil and political rights of all people in Victoria are brought to bear on the interpretation of Victorian... More$168.00Annotated Victorian Charter of Rights 2ePrice: $168.00Other formats: Book+eBook eBook - ProView
Thomson Reuters AUSTRALIACorporate Restructuring is a concise but comprehensive analysis of the law and practice of restructuring in Australia.... More$280.01Corporate RestructuringPrice: $280.01Other formats: eBook - ProView Book+eBook
Pre-order: This item will be available on: 30 May 2025 -
Sutton on Insurance Law 5th Edition (2 Volume set) - Book Forthcoming Release 30/04/2025
Book 9780455502472
Lawbook Co. AUSTRALIAThe Fifth Edition of Sutton on Insurance Law makes a welcome return to the Thomson Reuters insurance practitioners’ library in 2025.... More$699.00Sutton on Insurance Law 5th Edition (2 Volume set) - BookPrice: $699.00Other formats: Book+eBook eBook - ProView
Pre-order: This item will be available on: 30 Apr 2025 -
Shanahan's Australian Law of Trade Marks and Passing Off 7th Edition - Book 28/06/2022
Book 9780455502618
Lawbook Co. AUSTRALIAShanahan's Australian Law of Trade Marks and Passing Off Seventh Edition provides a fully updated analysis of the law of trade marks and passing off in Australia.... More$499.00Shanahan's Australian Law of Trade Marks and Passing Off 7th Edition - BookPrice: $499.00Other formats: eBook - ProView Book+eBook -
Lawbook Co. AUSTRALIA"Its value to practitioners hardly requires elaboration .... More$263.00Expert Evidence 7e - BookPrice: $263.00Other formats: eBook - ProView Book+eBook
Lawbook Co. AUSTRALIA"Professional Liability in Australia continues to be well-organised and to combine extensive analysis of legal principle .... More$389.00Professional Liability in Australia 4e - Hardcover BookPrice: $389.00Other formats: Book+eBook eBook - ProView
Lawbook Co. AUSTRALIAInvestigating Corruption and Misconduct in Public Office: Commissions of Inquiry – Powers and Procedures Second Edition provides a comprehensive examination of the law concerning the jurisdiction,... More$262.00Investigating Corruption and Misconduct in Public Office 2e - BookPrice: $262.00Other formats: Book+eBook eBook - ProView