Butt's Land Law Seventh Edition - Book + eBook

Butt's Land Law Seventh Edition - Book + eBook

By Brendan Edgeworth


$274.00* RRP

Date: 19/06/2017

Code: 41761363

Lawbook Co., AUSTRALIA

Available Formats

Format Title Date Code Price
Book Butt's Land Law Seventh Edition - Book 22/06/2017 9780455229478 $189.00 Add to cart
Book+eBook Butt's Land Law Seventh Edition - Book + eBook 19/06/2017 41761363 $274.00 Add to cart
eBook - ProView Butt's Land Law Seventh Edition - eBook 19/06/2017 9780455236254 $189.00 Add to cart


Comprehensive coverage of all areas and jurisdictions of contemporary land law.

Land Law, 7th edition provides a comprehensive coverage of all areas and jurisdictions of contemporary land law.

This edition continues the approach of previous editions. It traces the development of land law from its English origins, but in the context of local conditions that led to the emergence of a uniquely Australian land law. Also, this edition broadens the focus of the chapters on general land law to include all Australian jurisdictions.

All chapters have been completely revised to incorporate the many recent statutory developments and case law. Areas of significant change extend to co-ownership, leases, easements, mortgages, strata title, Torrens title, Crown lands, and Indigenous rights to land, including native title and statutory land rights. This edition concludes with a new chapter on compulsory acquisition of land.

The book is written both for students seeking a structured and accessible approach to land law, as well as for practitioners and researchers looking for detailed coverage and references to secondary literature.

Table of Contents

1. Origins and concepts

2. Land

3. The Doctrine of Estates

4. Equitable interests in land

5. The Alienability of Land

6. Co-ownership

7. Leases

8. Leases Regulated by Statute

9. Easements and Similar Interests

10. Covenants Affecting Freehold Land

11. Mortgages and Other Security Interests

12. Torrens title

13. Strata title

14. Indigenous Land Rights

15. Crown lands

16. Non-Consensual Acquisition: Adverse Possession, Prescription and Court-ordered Rights

17. Compulsory Acquisition of Land

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