Drafting Trusts And Will Trusts In Australia 2nd Edition - Book & eBook

Drafting Trusts And Will Trusts In Australia 2nd Edition - Book & eBook

By James Kessler KC, Michael Flynn
eBook + Book bundle


$318.00* RRP

Date: 01/12/2017

Code: 42137623

Lawbook Co., AUSTRALIA

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Available Formats

Format Title Date Code Price
Book Drafting Trusts And Will Trusts In Australia 2nd Edition - Book 05/12/2017 9780455500669 $250.00 Add to cart
Book+eBook Best Value Drafting Trusts And Will Trusts In Australia 2nd Edition - Book & eBook 01/12/2017 42137623 $318.00 Add to cart
eBook - ProView Drafting Trusts And Will Trusts In Australia 2nd Edition - eBook 15/12/2017 9780455500676 $245.00 Add to cart


Drafting Trusts and Will Trusts in Australia 2nd Edition explains, in clear language, how to draft coherent and effective documents. By providing both a comprehensive range of precedents and a wealth of valuable advice in user-friendly terms, it will help practitioners to understand and prepare trust documents the client wants and needs.

Based on the highly acclaimed UK title, Drafting Trusts and Will Trusts in Australia has been comprehensively adapted to provide authoritative guidance on drafting trusts and will trusts in eight Australian jurisdictions.

The book features chapters on key areas of trust law, including beneficiaries, trustees, trustee’s powers and general provisions of a trust.

It offers a large number of precedents for both lifetime and will trusts. The precedents, which appear in printed form and online, offer a fresh approach to creating documents.

In this edition, the precedents and commentary have been extensively updated to deal with the 2011 changes to the taxation of trust distributions and the imposition of stamp duty and land tax surcharges on non-resident trusts.

The commentary reflects all legislative and case law changes since the first edition and the precedents have all...

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