Fair Work Legislation 2024-2025 - Book

Fair Work Legislation 2024-2025 - Book

By Mark Rinaldi, Victoria Lambropoulos, Rohan Millar, Aaron Neal


$188.00* RRP

Forthcoming Release, 01/09/2024

Code: 9780455503318

Thomson Reuters, AUSTRALIA


Available Formats

Format Title Date Code Price
Book Fair Work Legislation 2024-2025 - Book 01/09/2024 9780455503318 $188.00 Pre-order
eBook - ProView Fair Work Legislation 2024-2025 - eBook 01/09/2024 9780455503325 $188.00 Pre-order
Book+eBook Fair Work Legislation 2024-2025 - Bk+eBk 01/09/2024 43332194 $244.40 Pre-order


Fair Work Legislation 2024–25 contains federal workplace legislation fully consolidated to and is designed for use by practitioners, business professionals and students. It is an essential reference for the Fair Work regime, featuring annotations to key provisions of the Fair Work Act 2009, written and selected by General Editors Mark Rinaldi, Victoria Lambropoulos, Rohan Millar and Aaron Neal.


Pre-order: This item will be available on: 01 Sep 2024

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