LawBriefs: Company Law - Book + eBook

LawBriefs: Company Law - Book + eBook

By Larelle Chapple


$119.00* RRP

Date: 31/05/2015

Code: 41659830

Lawbook Co., AUSTRALIA


Available Formats

Format Title Date Code Price
Book LawBriefs: Company Law - Book 05/05/2015 9780455234205 $91.00 Add to cart
Book+eBook LawBriefs: Company Law - Book + eBook 31/05/2015 41659830 $119.00 Add to cart
eBook - ProView LawBriefs: Company Law - eBook 24/03/2015 9780455234212 $91.00 Add to cart


Thomson Reuters LawBriefs are an ideal companion to your studies in law. They include compact summaries of the law and unique diagrammatic explanations or mind maps in each chapter, which help you to understand complex legal concepts and how they relate to one another.

Thomson Reuters LawBriefs present each subject area in a student friendly way to help you get the most out of your time studying. Each book in the series provides a succinct but substantive overview of the law, enabling you to study smarter, not longer.

The Table of Contents of this Lawbrief

1. Regulation of companies

2. Nature of companies

3. Registration and types of companies

4. Company capacity and constitution

5. Company liability: contracts and wrongs

6. Members’ rights and powers

7. Directors and officers

 8. Directors’ duties: duty of care and duty to prevent insolvent trading

9. Directors’ duties: fiduciary duties – good faith

10. Directors’ duties: fiduciary duties – conflicts of interest

11. Members’ remedies

12. Equity capital

13. Debt capital

14. Maintenance of share capital

15. Fundraising and disclosure documents

16. Financial reporting and disclosure

17. Auditors’ role and liability

18. Transactions with company securities

19. Receivers

20. Voluntary administration

 21. Winding up


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