Practical Employment Law First Edition

Practical Employment Law First Edition

By Louise Floyd


$95.00 RRP

Date: 22/12/2023

Code: 9780455248073

Lawbook Co., AUSTRALIA

Available Formats

Format Title Date Code Price
Book Practical Employment Law First Edition 22/12/2023 9780455248073 $95.00 Add to cart
eBook - ProView Practical Employment Law First Edition eBook 10/01/2024 9780455248080 $95.00 Add to cart
Book+eBook Practical Employment Law First Edition Book + eBook 10/01/2024 43196584 $123.50 Add to cart


From ChatGPT and its impact at work, through to the federal government’s Secure Jobs Better Pay and Closing the Loopholes laws, Australian workplace law has not known this level of change for a generation.  Practical Employment Law analyses all those changes with a view to giving readers a sound understanding of Australia’s workplace, employment and labour laws - its rudiments and emerging issues.  In particular, the book considers and explains eg:

  • The impact of Artificial Intelligence (eg ChatGPT) on workplace law to date;
  • Remote work and working from home;
  • Secure Jobs Better Pay, Closing the Loopholes and their impact on the law about casuals and contractors;
  • The High Court decisions in Workpac Pty Ltd v Rossato; ZG Operations v Jamsek; and CFMMEU v Personnel Contracting Pty Ltd – and how they interact with federal government statutory changes in Secure Jobs Better Pay and Closing the Loopholes (including gig work);
  • Respect at Work – and the positive legal duty to take reasonable steps to avoid harassment and discrimination;
  • The new paid domestic violence leave scheme as well as the changes to the right to request flexible work;
  • Harassment and Bullying, including upstream bullying;
  • Public service employment: whistle blowers, accountability of government servants after the Sofronoff and McMurdo Enquiries;
  • Academic Employment: academic freedom, The French Model Code and the High Court decision in Ridd v JCU;
  • Judicial Work: judicial immunity and the Vasta decision;
  • The High Court decision in QANTAS Airways v Transport Workers Union on adverse action, workplace rights and enterprise bargaining;
  • Principles of international employment law and conflicts of employment law for Australians working abroad;
  • Enterprise Bargaining eg the Better Off Overall Test (BOOT);
  • Trade Union Regulation and the abolition of the Registered Organisations Commission and  the Australian Building and Construction Commission.

Practical Employment Law aims to provide useful analysis for HR practitioners, managers and lawyers; and for law and business academics and students alike.

Where legislation is being updated there will be online supplements available to download.

Table of Contents


Chapter 1 Contractors

Chapter 2 Terms of the Contract of Employment

Chapter 3 Statute Law & Contract – and the relevant tribunals

Chapter 4 Enterprise Bargaining and Modern awards

Chapter 5 Trade Union Law

Chapter 6 Anti-Discrimination

Chapter 7 Allied Areas – WHS, Super and IP

Chapter 8 Termination of Employment

Chapter 9 Public Service Employment

Chapter 10 Academic Employment

Chapter 11 Transnational Labour Law

Chapter 12 Technology and the Future

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