Winterton's Australian Federal Constitutional Law Fifth Edition eBook

Winterton's Australian Federal Constitutional Law Fifth Edition eBook

By Nicholas Aroney, Sarah Murray, Peter Gerangelos, Patrick Emerton, Adrienne Stone, Joel Harrison

eBook - ProView

$226.00* RRP

Date: 31/05/2022

Code: 9780455246840

Lawbook Co., AUSTRALIA

Available Formats

Format Title Date Code Price
Book Winterton's Australian Federal Constitutional Law Fifth Edition 26/05/2022 9780455246833 $189.00 Add to cart
eBook - ProView Winterton's Australian Federal Constitutional Law Fifth Edition eBook 31/05/2022 9780455246840 $226.00 Add to cart
Book+eBook Winterton's Australian Federal Constitutional Law Fifth Edition Book + eBook 31/05/2022 43014357 $293.00 Add to cart


Since the first edition in 1999, Winterton’s Australian Federal Constitutional Law: Commentary and Materials has established itself as one of the most respected constitutional law reference works.

This book is intended primarily for teaching purposes and contains material covered in virtually all Australian Federal Constitutional Law courses, and, since its third edition, Public Law courses as well. The essential topics are examined in depth to promote greater insight into constitutional principles, judicial reasoning and overall assessment of the work of the High Court.  It includes commentary and materials which will also be of assistance to advanced students, scholars and researchers, as well as to judges and lawyers.

Winterton’s Australian Federal Constitutional Law includes reviews of all the important constitutional decisions of the High Court of Australia and analysis of the issues that arise in those decisions. The layout of this book has been improved to promote understanding of this complex and important field.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Constitutional Fundamentals

Chapter 2: States

Chapter 3: The Executive Power of the Commonwealth

Chapter 4: Inconsistency   

Chapter 5: Commerce and Corporations   

Chapter 6: External Affairs and Defence   

Chapter 7: Commonwealth Financial Powers   

Chapter 8: Freedom of Interstate Commerce   

Chapter 9: Excise Duties   

Chapter 10: Express Rights and Freedoms   

Chapter 11: Implied Rights and Freedoms   

Chapter 12: Intergovernmental Immunities

Chapter 13: The Separation of Judicial Power

Chapter 14: Constitutional Interpretation


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