Corporations & Financial Markets Eighth Edition - Book & eBook

Corporations & Financial Markets Eighth Edition - Book & eBook

By Fady Aoun, Olivia Dixon, Emma Armson, Marina Nehme


$223.00* RRP

Date: 15/12/2022

Code: 42942268

Lawbook Co., AUSTRALIA


Available Formats

Format Title Date Code Price
Book+eBook Corporations & Financial Markets Eighth Edition - Book & eBook 15/12/2022 42942268 $223.00 Add to cart
eBook - ProView Corporations and Financial Markets Eighth Edition - eBook 15/12/2022 9780455246192 $171.00 Add to cart
Book Redmond's Corporations and Financial Markets Law Eighth Edition - Book 22/12/2022 9780455246185 $171.00 Add to cart


Corporations and Financial Markets Law is a highly respected, standard work in Australian legal scholarship and is now in its seventh edition.  It is primarily designed as a teaching text for courses on corporations law and financial market regulation. The twin concerns of the book are the core principles of corporations law and the advanced treatment of corporate finance, corporate fundraising, financial market regulation and takeovers.


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