Understanding Company Law 22nd Edition

Understanding Company Law 22nd Edition

By Abe Herzberg, Phillip Lipton, Benjamin Saunders, Catherine Robinson


$163.00 RRP

Date: 06/12/2023

Code: 9780455247953

Lawbook Co., AUSTRALIA

Available Formats

Format Title Date Code Price
Book+eBook Understanding Company Law 22nd Edition - Book + eBook 12/12/2023 43178456 $212.00 Add to cart
eBook - ProView Understanding Company Law 22nd Edition - eBook 12/12/2023 9780455247960 $163.00 Add to cart
Book Understanding Company Law 22nd Edition 06/12/2023 9780455247953 $163.00 Add to cart


Understanding Company Law has for many years been a leading text for both law and business students undertaking the study of company law. In this 22nd Edition, Phillip Lipton and Abe Herzberg have been joined by Catherine Robinson and Benjamin Saunders as co-authors. This edition has been updated to include the following recent legislative changes:

  • Corporate Collective Investment Vehicle Framework and other Measures Act (2022) introduced a Corporate Collective Investment Vehicle (CCIV) as a new type of company limited by shares that is used for fund management. A key objective of the legislation is to increase the competitiveness of Australia’s managed funds industry internationally to attract offshore investment. The features of a CCIV are discussed in Chapter 27.
  • Corporations Amendment (Meetings and Documents) Act 2022 makes permanent changes to the Corporations Act to permit virtual and hybrid meetings. The legislation also inserted Pt 1.2A into the Corporations Act to permit company documents to be executed electronically. The changes relating to execution of documents are discussed in Chapter 5 and the changes relating to meetings are discussed in Chapter 21.
  • The Treasury Laws Amendment (Modernising Business Communications and Other Measures) Act 2023 now enables all documents under the Corporations Act to be signed electronically and certain additional categories of documents can be sent electronically or in hard copy.



The 22nd Edition of Understanding Company Law sees two new academics joining longstanding and highly respected authors Phillip Lipton and Abe Herzberg:

Benjamin Saunders is an Associate Professor at Deakin Law School and his principal areas of research interest are constitutional law, especially executive power and responsible government, law and religion, and public sector governance. In August 2023, Ben won an Australian Legal Research Award for his paper titled "Ministers, Statutory Authorities and Government Corporations: The Agency Problem in Public Sector Governance".

Catherine Robinson is a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Law at the University of Technology Sydney and is currently completing her PhD at the University of Adelaide on the topic of insolvency practitioner regulation under the Insolvency Law Reform Act 2016 (Cth). 



Understanding Company Law is supported by the following resources:

  • Lecturer Answer Guide to end-of-chapter tutorial questions
  • Lecturer Powerpoint Slides
  • Mentor – A collection of interactive online multiple choice questions. Self-testing questions available for students and assessment questions available for lecturers. Login here: https://mentor.mcqi.com.au/mentor/corporations_law.
  • uclaw.com.au – Designed to complement the book, this site has been set up to provide further research and indepth reading for lecturers and students, and includes links to recent legislation and accompanying explanatory memoranda.

Table of Contents

1 Regulatory framework

2 Registration and its effects

3 Types of companies

4 Constitution and replaceable rules

5 The company’s relations with outsiders

6 Promoters and pre- registration contracts

7 Fundraising

8 Share capital

9 Membership

10 Dividends

11 Debentures and personal property securities

12 The board of directors

13 Overview and summary of directors’ duties

14 Corporate governance

15 Directors’ duties of good faith and proper purpose

16 Directors’ conflicts of interest duties

17 Directors’ duties of care, skill and diligence

18 Directors of insolvent companies

19 Remedies and penalties for directors’ breach of duty

20 Exoneration and relief for directors’ breach of duty

21 Shareholders’ meetings

22 Financial reporting and disclosure

23 Auditors

24 Members’ remedies

25 Takeovers

26 Financial services and markets

27 Managed investments and CCIVs

28 ASIC’s investigatory, information-gathering and enforcement powers

29 Corporate insolvency

30 Receivership

31 Voluntary administration, deed of company arrangement and restructuring

32 Liquidation

Resource Downloads

Instructor Supplements

Please note: these resources are ONLY for the use of lecturers who have prescribed the relevant text. Please email anzacademicsales@thomsonreuters.com to request access.

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