First Principles of Business and Company Law with eStudy modules 12th Edition

First Principles of Business and Company Law with eStudy modules 12th Edition

By Michael Lambiris, Laura Griffin


$141.00 RRP

Date: 22/12/2022

Code: 9780455246673

Lawbook Co., AUSTRALIA

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Book+eBook Best Value First Principles of Business and Company Law with eStudy modules 12th Edition - Book + eBook 22/12/2022 43011121 $183.00 Add to cart
eBook - ProView First Principles of Business and Company Law with eStudy modules 12th Edition - eBook 22/12/2022 9780455246680 $141.00 Add to cart
Book First Principles of Business and Company Law with eStudy modules 12th Edition 22/12/2022 9780455246673 $141.00 Add to cart


This long-standing text has been re-titled First Principles of Business and Company Law as the new 12th Edition deals with company law in more detail. Topics have also been regrouped and revised for clarity and balance. The 250 case summaries, which illustrate and amplify basic principles, have been gathered in a chapter of their own, where they can be referred to selectively by students.

The textbook is supported by interactive eStudy modules. Accessible online at on any device running a standard internet browser, the modules help students develop their understanding of the law, and how legal rules apply in practical situations. The modules provide hundreds of questions and examples, with instant feedback and electronic access to the case summaries and selected legislation.

Table of Contents

1. An Introduction to Legal Studies and Government in Australia

2. Sources of Law: Legislation and Case law

3. Making a Contract

4. The Contents of a Contract

5. Performance, Breach, and Remedies for Breach of Contract 

6. Consumer Protection and the Regulation of Unethical Conduct

7. Tort Law

8. Sole traders, Trusts, Partnerships, Joint Ventures, and Agency

9. The Concept and Characteristics of a Company

10. The Management and Operation of a Company

11. The Financing of Companies

12. Company Insolvency and its Consequences

13. Property Law

14. Finding Law Online

15. Case Summaries

16. Selected Legislative Provisions

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