Concise Australian Commercial Law Eighth Edition - eBook

Concise Australian Commercial Law Eighth Edition - eBook

By Roger Gamble, Benjamin Hayward

eBook - ProView

$132.00* RRP

New Release, 31/12/2024

Code: 9780455248783

Lawbook Co., AUSTRALIA

Available Formats

Format Title Date Code Price
Book Concise Australian Commercial Law Eighth Edition 17/12/2024 9780455248776 $132.00 Add to cart
eBook - ProView Concise Australian Commercial Law Eighth Edition - eBook 31/12/2024 9780455248783 $132.00 Add to cart
Book+eBook Concise Australian Commercial Law Eighth Edition - Book + eBook 31/12/2024 43312043 $170.01 Add to cart


The eighth edition of Concise Australian Commercial Law offers a concise overview of the key concepts and principles of commercial law in Australia. The aim is to introduce students to the main areas of commercial law – the law of contract, consumer protection, data protection and privacy law, the law of torts, agency law, the law of business organisations and business ethics – in a way that strikes a balance between the need for clarity, accessibility and simplicity and the need for materials to be challenging, relevant and current. 

Each chapter of this edition has been updated to incorporate the many changes to the law that have occurred since the seventh edition. There have been several important appellate court decisions in many of the topics and significant legislative amendments to the Australian Consumer Law, the Corporations Act and the Privacy Act. The chapter on business ethics includes the legislative developments in relation to modern slavery and the emergence of ESG as a significant factor in corporate decision-making. Finally, an expanded chapter on data protection and privacy law has been included, acknowledging the increasing importance of this aspect of the law.

Acknowledging that teaching and learning at tertiary institutions has changed dramatically in recent years (more online teaching and assessment) inevitably places greater emphasis on texts and other materials, there are extensive case summaries and commentaries, diagrams, flowcharts and tables as well as a set of tutorial activities at the end of each chapter that includes both comprehension-style questions and extended hypotheticals, and an introductory section on how to approach the study of commercial law, including advice on how to approach a variety of assessment tasks.


Dr Benjamin Hayward joins highly-respected original author Roger Gamble on this new eighth edition. Dr Benjamin Hayward is a legal academic working in the Department of Business Law and Taxation at the Monash Business School, Monash University. He completed his PhD studies relating to private international law in international commercial arbitration in the Faculty of Law at Monash University and is admitted to practice as an Australian Lawyer in the Supreme Court of Victoria.

Dr Hayward was awarded the Dean’s Award for Innovation in Learning and Teaching in 2023 and the Dean’s Award for Teaching Excellence in 2020, and given an Honourable Mention in the ICCA-Guillermo Aguilar-Alvarez Memorial Prize in 2022. He is currently General Editor of The ACICA Review, a biannual publication of the Australian Centre for International Commercial Arbitration.

Concise Australian Commercial Law has been adapted from the seminal work Australian Commercial Law by Clive Turner and John Trone. The authors and Thomson Reuters offer their thanks to Clive and John for their permission to adapt their work as we welcome a new author to this new edition.


Lecturers: This book is supported by the following resources which are available to lecturers only:

  • End-of-Chapter Answer Guide
  • Multiple-Choice Questions
  • Short Answer Questions
  • Long-form Discussion Questions
  • Powerpoint Slides
  • Guide

For access, please contact your Academic Account Executive in your territory. 

Students: Self-assessment online quizzes are available through Mentor.

Table of Contents

Assessment Tasks in Commercial Law


1. An Introduction to Law and the Australian Legal System


2. Introduction to the Law of Contract

3. Agreement: Offer and Acceptance

4. Intention to Create Legal Relations

5. Consideration, Promissory Estoppel and Formalities

6. Contractual Capacity

7. Genuine Consent

8. Legality of Object

9. Contents and Interpretation of the Contract

10. Operation of the Contract

11. Performance and Breach of Contract

12. Remedies


13. Consumer Protection

14. Data Protection and Privacy Law


15. Introduction to Negligence, and Duty of Care

16. Breach of Duty, Damages, and Defences


17. Law of Agency

18. Law of Partnerships

19. Corporations Law


20. Business Ethics

Resource Downloads

Instructor Supplements

Please note: these resources are ONLY for the use of lecturers who have prescribed the relevant text. Please email to request access.


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