Local Government & Environmental Reports Bound Volumes Only
Report Series Price: N/A |
Date: 20/08/2012 Code: 30141276 Lawbook Co., AUSTRALIA |
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Available Formats
Format | Title | Date | Code | Price | |
Report Series | Local Government & Environment Reports Parts Only | 18/09/2012 | 30113345 | N/A |
Report Series | Local Government & Environmental Reports Parts & Bound Volumes | 18/09/2012 | 30130075 | N/A |
Report Series | Local Government & Environmental Reports Bound Volumes Only | 20/08/2012 | 30141276 | N/A |
Report Series | Local Government & Environmental Reports Set Volumes 1 - 182 | 15/01/1989 | 30156884 | N/A |
Each case includes a detailed headnote which highlights the key issues contained within the decision so as to keep practitioners up-to-date with the latest important case law developments.
To adapt to the continuing expansion of this area of law, as well as the move towards harmonisation, the coverage of this series has been substantially increased to cover more significant cases from the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal. Coverage will also expand with the inclusion of selected decisions of the South Australian Environment, Resources and Development Court, Queensland Planning and Environment Court and the State Administrative Tribunal of Western Australia.
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