Environmental and Planning Law Journal: Bound Volumes

Environmental and Planning Law Journal: Bound Volumes

By Gerry Bates


Price: POA

Date: 22/11/2011

Code: 30117937

Lawbook Co., AUSTRALIA

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Environmental and Planning Law Journal: Bound Volumes

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Available Formats

Format Title Date Code Price
Journal Environmental and Planning Law Journal: Parts 17/08/2012 30121864 POA
Journal Environmental and Planning Law Journal: Parts & Bound Volumes 17/08/2012 30141480 POA
Journal Environmental and Planning Law Journal: Bound Volumes 22/11/2011 30117937 POA


Cutting edge critique in environmental law and policy

The Environmental and Planning Law Journal is firmly established as the recognised vehicle in Australia for the publication of high-quality, in-depth articles on all aspects of environmental law and policy.

The Journal specialises in cutting-edge analysis, publishing researched, peer-reviewed articles covering significant developments across the environmental law spectrum.

Coverage includes: climate change, natural resources management; the ramifications of planning policy and decisions; energy development; impacts on biodiversity; sustainability strategies; corporate liability and law enforcement; environmental assessment and more.

The Journal provides a forum for discussing these and other issues in light of the impact of regulation, policy, administration and reform.

The Editor-in-Chief, Dr Gerry Bates, is an independent consultant in environmental law and policy who undertakes specialist courses at The University of Sydney and UNSW Australia. He has been honoured by the Law Council of Australia and National Environmental Law Association for his contributions to environmental...


Bound Volumes will be invoiced on a per volume basis. There is approx 1 Bound Volume per year. Does not include loose Parts or Backset which are available separately at an additional price.

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