Shipping Law 4th Edition - Book

Shipping Law 4th Edition - Book

By Martin Davies, Anthony Dickey KC


$295.00 RRP

Date: 26/08/2016

Code: 9780455226767

Lawbook Co., AUSTRALIA


Available Formats

Format Title Date Code Price
Book Shipping Law 4th Edition - Book 26/08/2016 9780455226767 $295.00 Add to cart
Book+eBook Shipping Law 4th Edition - Book & eBook 30/08/2016 41957155 $383.49 Add to cart
eBook - ProView Shipping Law 4th Edition - eBook 17/08/2016 9780455238739 $295.00 Add to cart
Book Shipping Law Fifth Edition - Book 28/07/2024 9780455503233 $285.00 Pre-order
eBook - ProView Shipping Law Fifth Edition - eBook 28/07/2024 9780455503240 $285.00 Pre-order
Book+eBook Shipping Law Fifth Edition - Book+eBook 28/07/2024 43319259 $370.50 Pre-order


PLEASE NOTE - A new edition of this title will publish at the end of June 2024 and is now available for pre-order here

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