Administrative Law - The Laws of Australia book + ebook
Book+eBook $274.00* RRP |
Date: 21/11/2016 Code: 42025987 Thomson Reuters, AUSTRALIA |
![]() Administrative Law - The Laws of Australia book + ebook
Price: $274.00
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Format | Title | Date | Code | Price | |
Book | Administrative Law - The Laws of Australia | 22/11/2016 | 9780455238524 | $211.00 |
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![]() Administrative Law - The Laws of Australia
Price: $211.00
Book+eBook | Administrative Law - The Laws of Australia book + ebook | 21/11/2016 | 42025987 | $274.00 |
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![]() Administrative Law - The Laws of Australia book + ebook
Price: $274.00
eBook - ProView | Administrative Law - The Laws of Australia ebook | 21/11/2016 | 9780455238531 | $211.00 |
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![]() Administrative Law - The Laws of Australia ebook
Price: $211.00
Administrative Law – The Laws of Australia is a useful guide for legal practitioners, academics and students, covering the examination of administrative decisions at the federal, state and territory levels. Administrative law continues to broaden and certain aspects which are covered in this book, such as external merits review tribunals, are relatively new in Australia. Examining and reviewing government or administrative decisions in the various tribunals has become an integral part of practice for legal practitioners.
Featuring a Foreword by the Honourable Sir Anthony Mason AC KBE GBM, this book includes in-depth commentary on areas including:
- the administrative law system in Australia;
- federal and state tribunals;
- freedom of information (federal and state);
- statements of reasons for administrative decisions;
- statutory appeals; and
- Ombudsmen (federal and state).
The material in this book is also published as part of Title 2 “Administrative Law” of The Laws of Australia legal encyclopaedia. It retains its easy-to-read style: each paragraph opens with a proposition that encapsulates the relevant legal principle, while the text that follows sets out and analyses complexities, nuances and developments in the law. Extensive referencing makes this work the ideal starting point for administrative law research across any Australian jurisdiction.
This book is a “companion” book to Judicial Review – The Laws of Australia, which deals with the review of administrative decisions in the superior courts. Together, these two books cover the field of administrative law in Australia at every level.
Administrative Law – The Laws of Australia is produced under the editorial guidance of Mark Robinson SC, who has practiced extensively in administrative and general law for more than 27 years. He is also the lead author and editor of Thomson Reuters’ NSW Administrative Law. He was a founding part-time Judicial Member of the Administrative Decisions Tribunal of New South Wales and a part-time lecturer in administrative law at the University of New South Wales and the University of Sydney.
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