Federal Administrative Law

Federal Administrative Law

By Jason Donnelly, Julian Murphy


Price: N/A

Date: 21/09/2022

Code: 30136836

Lawbook Co., AUSTRALIA

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Federal Administrative Law

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Available Formats

Format Title Date Code Price
Looseleaf Federal Administrative Law 21/09/2022 30136836 N/A


Federal Administrative Law, authored by Dr Jason Donnelly and Dr Julian Murphy, is your authoritative guide to practice and procedure in the federal Administrative Appeals Tribunal, with all the relevant legislation together with detailed commentary and annotations covering administrative law and judicial review.

The commentary on the legislation and jurisdiction is complemented by a comprehensive suite of practice tools, including procedural notes, practice directions and overviews. Developments relating to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, the AAT Jurisdiction List, Freedom of Information, the Federal Court of Australia Act plus the Ombudsman Act, the Archives Act and the Privacy Act are all covered in this service.

Federal Administrative Law is a current, clear and authoritative practice tool, available in paper looseleaf, online through Westlaw AU, and in ProView.


  • Written by a well known author team with extensive experience as both barrister and academic writers in federal jurisdiction
  • Incorporates practice and procedure material as well as case digest and recommended reading in one service allowing for quick and convenient research
  • Extensive case references in the annotations and commentary
  • The looseleaf is structured with a "take to court" volume containing all commentary and legislation relevant to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal
* Subscription price includes 12 months of updating releases. Further updates invoiced separately.

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